<strong class = "my-excerpt" >Welcome to<em> Sea Norway </em></strong><strong class = "my-excerpt" >2020</strong>
It gives us great pleasure to announce the program for the inaugural year of our new adventure travel concept, <em>Sea Norway</em>.
Our maiden voyage will take place in the summer of 2020, in cooperation with the Dutch vessels <em>Wylde Swan</em> and <em>Gulden Leeuw</em> and selected destination companies/municipalities.
Our trio of Tall Ships will be joined by a small flotilla of heritage vessels on a stage-by-stage voyage along the Norwegian coast, from Oslo in the south to Lofoten in the North. Co-sailors from around the world will come aboard for one or more of our unique stages northbound and southbound, as we visit 15 fascinating ports of call.
The voyage consists of 16 three-day stages with varied programs that include coastal cruising, mini-regattas between the three ships, stopovers ashore with optional experiences, and weekend coastal festivals at our ports of call.
<em>Sea Norway </em>is a unique adventure travel concept developed by the <em>Christian Radich</em> and collaborating partners. Its primary purpose is to showcase Norwegian coastal culture, travel destinations and cuisine to tourists from all over the world. The voyage will also promote the partner vessels to a larger audience, thus ensuring revenues for their operation and maintenance.
After our maiden voyage, the event will be repeated every three years. In this way we will create an institution; a regular happening that locals look forward to, tourists flock to and destination companies are keen to become part of.
<strong class = "my-excerpt" >See more about </strong><strong class = "my-excerpt" ><em>Sea Norway </em></strong><strong class = "my-excerpt" >2020 </strong><strong class = "my-excerpt" ><a href="https://seanorway.info">here</a></strong>
Welcome to Sea Norway 2020
It gives us great pleasure to announce the program for the inaugural year of our new adventure travel concept, Sea Norway.
Our maiden voyage will take place in the summer of 2020, in cooperation with the Dutch vessels Wylde Swan and Gulden Leeuw and selected destination companies/municipalities.
Our trio of Tall Ships will be joined by a small flotilla of heritage vessels on a stage-by-stage voyage along the Norwegian coast, from Oslo in the south to Lofoten in the North. Co-sailors from around the world will come aboard for one or more of our unique stages northbound and southbound, as we visit 15 fascinating ports of call.
The voyage consists of 16 three-day stages with varied programs that include coastal cruising, mini-regattas between the three ships, stopovers ashore with optional experiences, and weekend coastal festivals at our ports of call.
Sea Norway is a unique adventure travel concept developed by the Christian Radich and collaborating partners. Its primary purpose is to showcase Norwegian coastal culture, travel destinations and cuisine to tourists from all over the world. The voyage will also promote the partner vessels to a larger audience, thus ensuring revenues for their operation and maintenance.
After our maiden voyage, the event will be repeated every three years. In this way we will create an institution; a regular happening that locals look forward to, tourists flock to and destination companies are keen to become part of.
See more about Sea Norway 2020 here