Lysbilde1Christian Radich will join Tall Ships Races also in 2016. This time the route goes south, all the way to Cádiz. Cruise-in-Company starts here, first with a short race to Sagres, before the fleet goes north along the coast of Algarve and to A Coruña.

You can book online or Your can e-mail us a registration form, it is an additional fee of 17 euros if you choose the last. Registration

Download the brochure: Voyages 2016 or have it sent by post:

See practical information – what to bring: Info_eng

Travel to and from ports: To and from ports


Welcome on Board both to newcomers and to you who have sailed before.


Summer voyages 2016, time and prices:

NEW: Bilbao-Honfleur, from August 17, 12:00 to August 22, 12:00, price: €   775

Voyage  Route Departure Arrival Euro
1 Oslo – Kiel June 21, 18:00 June 24, 18:00 525
2 Kiel – Eemshaven June 27, 12:00 June 30, 08:001) 360
3 Delfzijl– Antwerp July 3, 12:00 July 7, 14:00 550
4 Antwerp – Lisbon (race) July 10, 10:00 July 22, 14:00 1320
5 Lisbon – Cadiz (race) July 25, 10:00 July 28, 14:00 525
6 Cadiz – A Coruña

(Race and Cruise in Company)

July 31, 10:00 August 11, 14:00 1295
7 Blyth – Gothenburg (race) August 29, 10:00 September 3, 14:00 625

                Changes in arrival and departure time may occur.

1) Arrival the day before.

Given good conditions, the arrival date may be earlier. You may of course stay on board until given date. There might also be some waiting to be allowed to get into port.


Extra night on board incl. breakfast, € 60 per night.

Max 1 night before and/or 1 night after the voyage 2), not before leg 1 and after leg 2. Check-in on board 2 hours before departure, if no other information is given. Trainees taking part on several voyages may stay on board incl. breakfast during harbor stays.


2)Youth 15-25 years may stay on board 2 nights after the voyage (only breakfast will be served). Only 1 night is possible for all after voyage no 1 (in Kiel).

The deck will be closed for the trainees, if customers have contracted the deck for special occasions.



Special offers      
34 Delfzijl –Antwerp – Lisbon Incl. three nights in Antwerp with breakfast 1655
56 Lisbon – Cadiz – A Coruña Incl. three nights in Cadiz with breakfast 1710



Youth: 12 -25 years: A discount of 10% applies on each leg and on special offers. 15% discount on races, youth from 15 years.

About the summer voyages 2016

From Oslo to Kiel
The first summer voyage starts just before midsummer. After safety information and rig-training, the ship will set sail for Kiel. Summer is at its brightest up north and we will sail in the Danish archipelago, with mostly calm waters. We have plenty of time to reach Kiel in time, and we hope to sail as much as possible. In Kiel we meet the Kieler Woche, a sailing festival that characterizes the city for almost a whole week.

Through the Kiel Canal, from Kiel to Eemshaven
When Kieler Woche ends, we are heading towards Eemshaven, to the next festival, called DelfSail. We will go through the Kiel Canal for motor. The channel is like a floating highway through farmland and pleasant villages on land. If the wind is good to us, we will set sail after the Canal, and sail against Eemshaven. We arrive in the evening and the trainees leave the ship the next morning. Christian Radich is getting ready for the Sail-in with local passengers. Eemshaven and Delfzijl are not far from Amsterdam, which has numerous connecting flights. The voyage is short and varied, and it provides a taste of Christian Radich both through the Kiel Canal and under sail.

From Delfzijl to Antwerp
After a great sail parade from Delfzijl, we will sail for three days and nights along the coast outside Holland and Belgium. Also on this leg, we will have enough time to be able to sail much of the time. There will also be time to enjoy life on deck, and we hope the sun will be nice to us. The Tall Ships Races 2016 starts in Antwerp. The city is Belgium’s largest seaport and it’s known for its long maritime traditions. Antwerp has also previously been the host city for the Tall Ships Races.

Race 1, from Antwerp to Lisbon
This race, which lasts 12 days, has long traditions. The first race for training-ships was held in 1956, from Torbay to Lisbon. 60 years later we will sail almost the same route. Christian Radich was fastest of the square rigged ships in 1956, and she won the anniversary race in 2006. Now, 10 years later, we aim to win again, and many of our loyal trainees will join us! The City of Lisbon has southern charm, good food, and there is much to see and experience here. We recommend you to plan for a few extra days in the city.

Race 2, from Lisbon to Cadiz
After a few days in charming Lisbon, we prepare for a new race, a much shorter one this time. In these areas it may be difficult to make the right tactical choices. Currents and winds may alter the results from day to day, and will make the race even more exiting.  This is a popular leg, not least because the cities of Lisbon and Cadiz, have so much to offer. The small city of Cadiz has a nice old town, and many of the trainees would enjoy some extra days in this area. There are flights to the rest of Europe from the “sherry town” Jerez and Malaga is a couple of hours bus drive, away.

Race 3 and Cruise in Company from Cadiz to A Coruna
Cruise-in-Company starts in Cadiz, first with a short race to Sagres, before the fleet goes north along the coast of Algarve and to A Coruña.The leg ends in A Coruña, a great city that has previously been awarded for the best Tall Ship festivals. Santiago de Compostela is less than an hour away with train. It is the world’s most famous place of pilgrimage, and the apostle James is buried here. We recommend you to use this opportunity to visit this famous city. You will easy find flights to the rest of Europe from here.

North Sea Tall Ships Regatta, from Blyth to Gothenburg
Blyth is just north of Newcastle, and here starts an additional race. Many of the vessels from the Tall Ship fleet will join, and we can expect a fight for the first prize!  Summer vacation is terminated in Norway, but not in the North Sea! We have reason to hope for fair winds, at the best we will be reaching towards Gothenburg, hopefully faster than the competitors. The sailing city of Gothenburg welcomes the ships with a festival, which makes the end of several exiting summer voyages this year.





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